
Archive for September, 2008

After a prolonged absence from Proof of the Pudding, I am back (one year from the day I started this thing!) and ready to blog. Why the prolonged absence?

Well, first there was the wedding. Now, I’m not one of those ladies who has been planning her wedding since she was 7. In fact, I kind of thought I might never have one. But even the most low key of brides finds herself inundated with “To Dos” in the month leading up to the big day. And thus…any time to blog essentially evaporated. (For the record: Happiest night of my life so far. So, so wonderful.)

Then, the Friday after the wedding, my grandfather passed away. He was an honorable, passionate and loving man with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and an endless supply of compassion and love. His death didn’t come as a surprise; he was 95 and suffered from Alzheimer’s, and he had been ill for quite some time. But loss is never easy, regardless of whether or not you have time to prepare for it. We all miss him tremendously.

And then there’s the fact that I work in business and financial news. In Washington. Which means my work life has been capital “C” crazy lately. Nothing like an economic meltdown to add some spice to the workplace.

But I couldn’t let the one year anniversary of my blog go unnoticed. This blog has been such a wonderful outlet for me, and through it I’ve “met” so many interesting fellow foodies and learned from their food adventures. Over the next few months, this blog will be taking a bit of a different turn. I’ll still post recipes and stories of my kitchen trials and tribulations, but I want to broaden it out to cover broader food issues as well. I promise not to bore you — that is if I haven’t lost you already!

But before said shift takes place, here’s another recipe to add to your collection. It’s yet another recipe adapted from Kate Zuckerman’s The Sweet Life, one of my favorite dessert cookbooks, and boy is it a winner. Brown butter, vanilla bean and almond? Swooooon!

Thank you all for your comments, links and feedback over the past year. You’ve made writing this blog so much fun, and I can’t wait to see how the site develops over the next few months!


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